Sunday, April 3, 2011

My Bucket List

There comes a point in everyone's life when they realize how precious every moment is. For some this comes early, some consider it their mid-life crisis, and some wait until they are on their deathbed to take note of how they didnt accomplish what they wanted to. There will be things you regret, some things you did and some things you didn't do. Personally I had much rather regret the things I did rather than regretting not doing something that could have altered your life path, leaving you questioning yourself about "what could have been"

With that said, I'm only twenty years old and I still have a long life to live, God willing.  I just don't ever want to get complacent with the same ole day-to-day routine.  Don't get me wrong, I have a lot of goals that somewhat have my life planned out, but spontaneity is a virtue to me. I love random things, why stay in the same ole comfort zone and become complacent? I want to do things that most people consider out of their comfort zone, so some of the things you'll find here are completely off the wall, while some are completely normal, but after all, isn't 'normal' just one's perception of what things should be like?

 So here is my tentative bucket list. 
Motorcycle road trip across the US.  From corner to corner
Venice, Rome,Paris, Geneva, Dubai, Sydney, London
Visit the Holy Land, Great Pyramids--(Scheduled as graduation trip 2012)
 Test Alcatraz
 Scuba the Great Barrier Reef
 Great Wall, China
 Grand Canyon
 Macchu Picchuu
 Vegas--(Scheduled for 21st birthday, Feb 2012)
 Falling Water house
 Niagara Falls
 Angel Falls
 Celebrate St Pattys day in Ireland
 Ski Colorado--(December 2010)
Java, Indonesia for the active volcanos
Ole Faithful

Sports Events
Watch the Yankees vs Red Sox at Fenway
A Game in NEW Yankee stadium
Game in OLD Yankee stadium before it was demolished. --(Summer 2008)
Super Bowl
World Series when the Red Sox or Braves are in it
Lambeaugh field.  Packers vs Bears. In the snow
Watch the Pats at Gillette
Visit Lambeaugh in the snow
College Football Championship when Auburn makes it again.. (blew my chance in 2010)
Final Four and March Madness
Notre Dame, Michigan's Big House, Virginia Tech's Lane Stadium, Florida State
The Rose Bowl
Main Event Fight Night in Vegas
Ohio State vs Michigan
All of the SEC stadiums and rivalry games
Duke vs North Carolina basketball at both places
World Cup
Throw out the first pitch at a big league game
Wrigley Field

Random Goals
Learn to surf
Climb Everest
Iron Man Competition
Mardi Gras
Live in NYC for at least for a month
Bungee Jump
Play in the World Series of Poker
Read the Bible from cover to cover
Base jump, Snake River Bridge
Meet President Clinton
Be on the cover of Forbes magazine
Become a multimillionaire
Hang out with Sir Richard Branson for a day
Skydive--(Completed Summer 09)
Cliff Dive
Get elected to a state level office or higher
See the last launch of the actual space shuttle--(Scheduled for Summer 2011)
Chase a tornado in tornado alley
Illegally basejump from the top of a vegas building
Propose to a random girl if single at age 29
Run with the bulls!
Be a complete beach bum for a week
Learn to wind surf
Cage dive with sharks
Speed Ride. A combination of skiing and parachuting. Youtube it
Learn to fly
Longboard in San Francisco
Write a book
Dune Buggy in the desert
WIN a marathon or an extreme race

Consistently help those who need it. So broad, but definitely the most influencial.  I think everyone's main goal is to make a difference and this is how I plan to do so.  Whether it's helping via making mission trips or just helping someone who is having a hard time.

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